
The Club

The Aerial Robotics Club at NC State is a student organization that brings excellent students together to do excellent work. We build custom airframes, install custom electronics, write custom software, and integrate everything together into a world-ranking UAS.

Our member base consists primarily of undergraduate students at NC State, along with a few graduate student advisors. Our members come from many different majors, including Aerospace Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Computer Science. Our club welcomes all, regardless of major. We seek out students with a passion for learning new things, and applying that knowledge to solve difficult challenges.

Our Officers

James Sorber President
Oversees club progress and administration. Also leads development of the club's aircraft.
Mac Patterson Vice President, Airframe Team Lead
Assits the president in administrative tasks for the team as well as helps lead the design and construction of the aircraft.
Hailey Schmidt Electrical Team Lead
Leads the electrical team, and also operates the autopilot system during test flights and competitions.
Jason Wong Software Team Lead
Leads the devolopment of software for the aircraft, as well as other systems the club uses
Chris Beyrent Drop Team Lead, Public Relations Lead
Leads development of water bottle drop system. Additionally creates and maintains relations with business and the greater student body.
Max Shipp Treasurer
Manages the team funds, tracking funding from income sources, bookkeeping, and purchasing.
Isaac Trost Webmaster
Devolops and maintains the website and other web resources the club uses.
Leonard Yan Secretary
Records notes from meetings, and tracks adminstrative tasks for the team
Grey Files Safety Pilot
Ensures aircraft flies safely